Sunday, June 20, 2010

How do people get their hair like this?

i always see people like kind of brushing their hair back and then it goes back to normal- how do they get it like this?

How do people get their hair like this?

Bottom line is a good cut. Also, quality products and healthy hair. But without a really well done hair cut to start with, you dont have a chance of it falling back in place and looking good. Ask your stylist...

How do people get their hair like this?

A pic would help here first off. But us with straight hair in the world, just have it fall down, no matter what we do.

How do people get their hair like this?

I agree with above, its the cut. Go to someone who is very experienced with hair and get a really good cut. I go to someone who is Sassoon trained and he's incredible, he can do anything with hair.

How do people get their hair like this?

I know exactly what you're talking about. Like Alicia Silverstone's hair, right? Unfortunately it depends on your hair type. Shampoos, styling products, and the cut can help, but the reason it falls back down so well is because it's super fine (fine as in the thickness and quality of the hair, not as in fine=sexy). My hair is extremely fine and it does this...but that's about all it does. If your hair is fine, you can pull it off, but really only if it's super clean and has no products in it (except maybe a leave in conditioner).

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