Thursday, June 17, 2010

My hair is falling out...?

Hi everyone I have very pretty hair and its healthy, but lately When I brush it I have huge chuncks coming outta my head. from the back side of my hair. Its not soo much but its alot for me to start wondering is my hair fallig out. I have been really stressed lately and started a new job could it be stress related and if so how do i fix it any clues?"thanks

My hair is falling out...?

Here's what you gotta do:

1. Get a vitamin E capsule (most of them comes in gel capsule form that has a liquid inside. Any brand will do.)

2. Get a needle and pop the capsule.

3. Now get your shampoo bottle and put the liquid vitamin E inside the bottle.

4. Mix the bottle.

5. Use your shampoo.

You'll notice that your hair will grow faster compared before. Trust me, this works. :) I also do this myself. :)

If you have virgin coconut oil at home, you can use this as well. Put it on hair and leave it for at least 30 minutes (You can do this at least 3x a day). Then rinse it off using your shampoo. The VCO can act as your hair lengthener and as your conditioner. :) Goodluck! :) (Refer to my avatar to see how well VCO/Vitamin E works =P)

My hair is falling out...?


My hair is falling out...?

stress can most definetly cause hair loss--also changes in hormones and thyroid problems can too. see your dr.

My hair is falling out...?

Stress has been linked to hair loss. The good news: fix the stress, and your hair will come back.

Try eating foods rich in protien and vitamins in the meantime.

My hair is falling out...?

try steaming with motions critical protection and repair conditioner and use carrot oil for strength

My hair is falling out...?

It's most likely caused from the stress your under. You could try to find ways to destress or go to the doctor and see what they can suggest.

My hair is falling out...?

stress will cause hair to shed. See a doc to make sure. Gotta fine new coping skills, chocolate, new makeup, exercise, music......

My hair is falling out...?

you should go to see a doctor...

Hope you like my answer! ^__^!

My hair is falling out...?

Hair goes through a cycle where it falls out and then grows back, but it could have to do with stress or hormones. Also if you have had a baby recently. I wouldn't worry unless you have other symptoms like weight loss, it could be a thyroid problem. Again, I wouldn't worry unless you have bald spots or something.

My hair is falling out...?

may6be you geting old or dont know how to take care of your hair

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