Saturday, November 28, 2009

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get

They shave it off the underside of their tail - hopefully they've washed the squirrel poop off of it before you use it on your face!

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get the hair?

It is simple. They kill the squirrels, chop off the head, remove guts, and then put them in a machine that makes the brushes.

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get the hair?

Never heard of that. Most likley the tail ... but no clue how they catch the squirrel or get the hair

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get the hair?

It depends on the size of the brush as to where the hair comes from. Naturally the longer brushes come from the tail and the shorter ones can come from parts of the body. Naturally the squirrels are killed before this happens.

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get the hair?

I have not seen one. But it would have to be from the hide of the squirrel. So- the squirrel would be slaughtered for that purpose. I don't think anyone but Granny on the "Beverly Hillbilly's eats squirrel.I didn't know they were raised for the purpose of brush bristles, that's terrible.How sad if they are! Pig bristles come from Pork hides, however the Pig is slaughtered for the consumption of food and the hide is made use of for clothing and things requiring bristles.

How do they make squirel hair makeup brushes? What part of the squirel do they use? How do they get the hair?

They pick it from all over the animal's body.

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