I know some of my hair falls out when I brush, wash etc. But I have noticed, my sons hair ( like 3 or 4) on his pillow yesterday and then about the same amount on his black shirt this morning. He doesn't have real short hair, so maybe I just never noticed it when it was shorter, but also, my 2 year old daughter, I never see her hair coming out. It worries me a little. Also he complains every now and then of a pain in his leg or arm...I figured possibly growing pains....Should I be worried, or is this enough cause to go to the doctor for a test of some kind?
Is it normal for childrens hair to fall out like an adults would?
It may be normal. There is a recycling of the hair, it is lost throughout life, in younger age replacement is prompt and adequate. In contrast, hair lost in old age is not replaced and person gets bald (male) or there is thinning of hair (female).
Just as a precaution, you may give them some vitamins+minerals tonic. That won't harm.
Good luck!
Is it normal for childrens hair to fall out like an adults would?
Depends; is it clumps or just single strands? Once you've got a full head of hair (which you would have at 8 years old), you loose about 100 strands of hair a day. If it's only a few strands on his pillow (20 and below), I wouldn't worry, some people loose more in a single place than others. If it's loads, then I would see a doctor. If it's clumps, then I certainly would see a doctor asap. Do you notice his hairline receeding at all? Or around the crown?
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