Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

The hair comes out in the clumps when I shower and brush my hair. I used to have thick hair, and now it is really thin. Please help!

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

I know the name I just can't think of it right now....I had the exact same thing that started when i was 5 months prego with my first and it was clumps of hair falling out. I know it is awful and I took my vitamins, ate healthy....my doctor had no advice for me. I ended up with 7 bald spots on y head that have finally grown back in.

Talk to your doctor and he will tell you everything that you need to know.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

Are you taking your prenatal vitamins. This is more than likely some type of vitamin deficiency. I'd all the doctor and make them do blood work to check your vitamin levels.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

I'm 15 weeks pregnant and I am also loosing alot of hair I have had some tell me it is stress and lack of protein ask your doctor I am as soon as my next appointment is up!

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

It could be an Iron or protein deficiency, Call a doctor

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

I'm pretty sure it is normal because the same thing happened to my aunt and it just started growing back after she had the baby. you could always ask your doctor though, just to make sure.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

it is normal for you to go through hair changes when you are pregnant, but to loose chunks require a urgent doctor visit, please don't worry.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

That sounds like a vitamin definiency to me. Make sure you are taking your pre-natal vitamins. If you are, you need to call your OB.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

Everyone is right, it very well could be a Vitamin Defeciancy (SP) but it could also be a thyroid disorder. One of the symptoms of Hypo- and Hyperthyroidism is losing your hair.

They probably did a thyroid check when you first got pregnant, but that was 6 months ago and things change, it is also kind of hard to diagnose, it took my mom years before the doctors finally did the correct blood test exactly right before she was diagnosed.

Talk to your doctor, some hair loss is normal but if it is coming out in clumps you should definatly be concerned.

I am 6 months pregnant, and i am losing huge clumps of hair!! Is this normal?

Pregnancy changes alot in your body, including your hair.

I read that some peoples hair grows very quickly and other people have hair loss.

I know that hair is greatly affected in pregnancy, as you are advised not to have perms etc as your hairs structure changes.

Good luck

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