my hair is relly long every time i brush it my brush is full of hair im not even shure if it is breakage i use all kind of shampoos and its still the same i dont what to do but i do konw that is not falling out from my scalp cus at the end of my hair dosent have a white tip
My hair has Reilly bad breakage it falls out every wear can it be from keeping it in a bun all the time?
Keeping the hair in the bun can be part of the problem but not the main one. You should visit a salon and get a hair treatment. There are different types of treatments depending on the scale of the problem. It should do the trick.
My hair has Reilly bad breakage it falls out every wear can it be from keeping it in a bun all the time?
Dont worry too much - everyones hair brush should be full of hair as we loose loads and loads (hundreds) of hairs everyday espeically when brushing. If your hair is long it will look like more hair than someone with short hair simply because the hair is longer!
You say you keep it in a bun all the time. This shouldnt cause it to fall out - but make sure you wear hair ties that dont damage the hair - the ones that are coated (non elastic band type) are the kindest and also make sure you dont pull your hair back too tightly on the scalp as this can cause the hair line to reseed a bit.
My hair has Reilly bad breakage it falls out every wear can it be from keeping it in a bun all the time?
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