a month ago or somethin like dat i got a hamster and now on her back near her head im noticin alittle hair loose. i even brush forward the fur their to see if its continuin and its sorta is. so im really worried... plz help! what should i do?
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Well, she could be excessivley scratching. Or she could not be getting enough protien. You could try giving her a little bit of scrambled egg everyonce in a while. She could also have a vitamin deficiency. It could be mites, or lots of other things.
I really can't tell you anything more, but my link should help you.
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Get vet advice!
It could be a number of things, stress, irritation due to the bedding material etc. Don't panic too much though - the location on the hamster you are describing 'appears' to get a bit thinner as the hamster grows. They have a lot of skin in this area. You can't see cause of the fur - but hamsters have a lot of excess skin. It allows them to be manouverable when being attacked by predators ie if being held in a bite they can twist and turn easily to escape. I refer to it as their tufty spot - but it's always best to get advice from your vet.
Best of luck :)
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Baldness runs in its family?
Under too much stress?
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Shes probably sick.. my dog was sick and he lost a lot of his hair. I'd get her to the vet.. fast. Just to make sure.
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
I would recommend cleaning your hamster's cage twice a week. There might be something that's making your hamster's fur to fall out. Remember, it is Summer time, so, if it's shedding, then, that's normal, but, if it's hair loss, and the fur is comming out, to where there is only skin, then I would recommend talking to a vet. If you don't have a vet in your area, you can always google search "hamster hair loss." If it is shedding, you should still try to clean the cage twice a week. The loose fur can cause allergies. Also, it's not that healthy for your hamster. To be living and breathing in his/her own fur!
I hope that this helps! If you have anymore questions, you can email me at: pethelper4@yahoo.com! Thanks!
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Their could be a few possible reasons why.
She could have mites which are irritating her and causing her to pull and scratch her hair away, or you hamster could be older than you realise. Hamsters naturally loose hair with age.
Hormonal imbalances and illnesses can also be linked with hair loss. Check her whole body for any little lumps to rule out cancer and tumors.
And finally get her to the vet. Its probably nothing at all for you too worry about but any changes in your pet needs to always be checked over by someone who is qualified and knows what they are looking for.
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons in hamsters and can be due to both disease and nondisease conditions. Continual rubbing on feeders or sides of the cage and barbering (hair chewing by cage mates) are examples of non-disease causes of alopecia. Infestation with demodectic mites is one of the most common infectious causes of patch alopecia and crusty skin in hamsters. Other conditions that lead to hair loss include adrenal tumors, thyroid deficiency, and chronic kidney disease. Some of these conditions may be manageable while others are not.
take her to the vet!!
Why is my hamster startin to lose hair??
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