Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

my friend is worried about hairloss...She tells me that when she takes a shower her hair falls... when she brushes her hair lots of hair falls.... she is 18 years old, and her family has no problem with hairloss... what shampoos can she use? her hairline is starting to show more....

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

Humans lose 100 hairs a day. It's normal. If she brushes her hair more often, then those loose hairs will collected and won't come out when she takes a shower.

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

um is this "friend" you?

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

She could be dyeing her hair too much, or if she has an unhealthy diet, overweight or maybe shes anorexic/bulemic. Those are some causes of it. She should maybe see a doctor soon.

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

Good artical

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

She could have cancer:

My grandma had cancer and everyday more hair would fall out soon she started to wear lots of hats and natural looking wigs that were her hair color so it didnt look fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Why is an 18 year old girl losing her hair?

She could be dieing her hair too much. And to Laurel, the only reason people with cancer lose their hair is because of Chemotherepy and other medications. So if someone isn't on Cancer medications, then their hair wouldn't fall out.

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