Tuesday, November 24, 2009

American Girl Nicki Doll Curly Hair Care?

I have a Nicki American Girl Doll, and when I wasn't watching, my younger cousin brushed out Nicki's hair? Is there any way that I can restore it back to it's original curliness?

Or, if I send it to the Doll Hospital, will they be able to replace her hair, even if she is a retired Girl of the Year, or fix it?


American Girl Nicki Doll Curly Hair Care?

You bet there are a few things to try before resorting to sending her into the doll hospital! AG doll hair is pretty great for going back the way it was with a little work.

Start with spraying her hair down with water. Take her hair and finger curl and twist it in small sections. Lay her on a towel and allow her hair to dry on it's own.

If that doesn't do it, go get some inexpensive foam curlers. Again wet her hair down and in small sections roll her up in curlers. Allow that to dry really well over a few days if needs be.

It is hard to tell you what to do without seeing the doll and the hairs condition. I would suggest getting a metal hair pick for your dolls hair. Show your sister that it is the ONLY thing she can use to brush Niki's hair. This will help Nicki's curls to stick around and keep little sister from doing more damage then you would want to have happen in future.

Good Luck! If you have any questions feel free to visit our collectors forum for tips!

American Girl Nicki Doll Curly Hair Care?

If the curls have been brushed out into waves, i bet you can recoil them with your fingers or something, get the hair a lil damp to help. I thought with doll hair, once its curled its pretty much permanant..its just possible it got kinda twisted out the wrong way.

American Girl Nicki Doll Curly Hair Care?


A link to a video teaching you how to restore her pretty curls.

I tried it before and now her hair's fabulous.

Good luck (:

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