Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

I went to a salon Saturday to get my hair dyed blond. Normally my hair is dark brown. I had previously had my hair highlighted blond, but I had about three inches of new growth..I was letting the highlights grow out. My beautician said there would be no problem dyeing my hair blond. WRONG!!! I now have orangish color on top where my new growth was, blond streakiness all over the rest of my head,,,PLUS small dark brown patches in several places all throughout my hair where apparently the bleach didn't take or she didn't apply it with the brush she used. My hair looks HORRIBLE. The salon told me to come back on friday and she would try to fix it. Well that is after thanksgiving, where my entire family will be laughing at how heinous I look, I just want to go back to my original brown what do I do? This is awful...please advise!!!

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

I'm a hairstylist- and your stylist said Friday because she is probably booked because of the holiday and knows Friday will be slow. I would try calling a few local salons and just tell them you had a mishap with your color- you don't have to go into specifics of who and where, but let them know you really want it fixed before Thursday.

Without *seeing* your hair I can't say what actually needs done- If you were Dk brwn before and now just an orange on top, I wonder if she tried to use a Highlift blonde instead of bleach- if so that explains why you have the orange. Mainly you are going to need to get the roots re-colored as well as any other dark spots- you may then need to do another *all-over* color application to blend everything to the same color.

Just keep in mind that *color correction* in the salon can get pricey. With that in mind call the salon owner where you had this done and see if she will work with you on getting you in before the holiday. Believe me, that salon does not want you walking around and letting people know *who* or *where* you get your hair done. (at least our salon surely wouldn't...we wouldn't let you walk out looking like that or we'd get you in pronto, even if it meant coming in on a day off or after hours).

Good luck- if you need any other tips- email me.

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

why dont you buy a hair dye frm superdrug etc dark brown

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

I am so sorry this happened..but the old adage applies here..do not try a new recipe for a party nor try to change your look before a celebration. Do not go back to that salon unless a different girl can work on your hair. Hold them accountable and make them fix this mess without charging you for it. You may have to call around and see if anyone will take a look at the damage and then get hold of your Better Business B. and report them there. Have pictures taken all around your head as proof of the terrible job and go to that salon with fire in your eyes and tell them they are responsible for this and that you will spread the word if they do not help you immediately. Otherwise..you may have to wear a head wrap for Thanksgiving..but I highly doubt your family will laugh..they may take up arms to linch your hairdresser!

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

I love coloring my hair and even though I'm no expert I do know enough to recommend that you do not use at home hair color to fix it. After bleaching the hair any color you put in will be intensified. Shop around, find a salon you can trust, and bill the other salon that messed up. Take pictures of the bad dye job for proof and threaten lawsuit. I'm sure they will pay up for the sake of their reputation.

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

You should let them correct your hair if you are not happy. Just make sure this time you ask someone who is the colorist of the Salon, also ask them for hair treatment for your hair will need it.

Probably the person who did your hair was a student. If you want to go back with your natural color ask them to put 4 that is dark brown. Sorry, you had this experience.

Hair coloring disaster! Help from a beautician please!!!?

Definately make them fix it. I would ask for a different stylist too. Good luck!

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