Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Help my hair is falling out?

when i wash or brush my hair loads of strands fall out.

Help my hair is falling out?

I know a good shop that sells hats.

sorry here the answer and It was just a simple Jock to Cheer you up.

Please don't worry. An apparent increase in hair loss is a very common experience and will normally settle down. Stress is one of the main contributory factors and I wonder, looking at your age, whether this might be the case with you, with exams and such like. The fact that your eczema (which is also often stress-related) has also flared up would fit in with this theory.

The other thing that I notice if you are fairly slim for your height. Being too thin can sometimes cause as many problems as being too fat. If you have been having problems with missing or irregular periods, it would be a good idea to see your GP for a check-up.

Treatment really depends on the cause. If it were stress, then I would expect your hair loss to settle down in the end. It certainly doesn't do any harm to take an iron and zinc supplement for a 1-2 month period. Both of these have been linked to poor hair growth. Do remember that we lose upwards of a hundred hairs from our heads every day, so you should expect some hair loss every time you comb or brush your hair.

I do hope this information is of help to you.

Help my hair is falling out?

Wig time

Help my hair is falling out?

Stress can have that effect on a person.

Help my hair is falling out?

I'm no doctor so what I'd do is go check with your doctor. He'll probably have way more information about why your hair is falling out and how to stop it. I hope my tips help. Good Luck!

Help my hair is falling out?

It could very well be stress, just calm down...

Help my hair is falling out?

If it is truly LOTS of hair, see your doctor as soon as possible. If it is just a few strands, don't worry too much about it.

Help my hair is falling out?

I have the same problem, but my hair is still very thick and not thinning...

It could be the water, soft water helps my hair...you also might want to change up your shampoo and conditioner. I hope this helps..

Help my hair is falling out?

that's normal, as long as it's not coming out in big clumps and leaving bald spots. but if it is, it might be caused by stress or a hormone imbalance. talk to a doctor if it's really bad, he might be able to do some blood tests and prescribe something to help.

Help my hair is falling out?

I would say that sress is causing this so try to cut down on any stress in oyur life and consult a doctor if it persists!!

Help my hair is falling out?

It is normal to loose some hair when you are brushing but there are ways to recuce the amount of hairloss just by brushing differently. Start at the bottom and work your way up. This way there is less breakage and less stress on the hair.

Help my hair is falling out?

It's probably stress. If you can't lower your stress right now you may want to see a doctor. I use to pull my hair out while I was sleeping when I was stressed out

Help my hair is falling out?

This happens to me too. I've also been told that it's stress. But when I changed my shampoo it stopped.

I switch every two weeks between Garnier %26amp; Pantene(drys my scalp) and it works. My hair still falls out but definitely not as much!

Help my hair is falling out?

Hair does tend to do that, especially if you have died it a lot and don't use the right shampoo and conditioner. Stress also. If you stress over the small stuff, or just have too much on your plate at once, hair falling out might be your body's way of telling you that.

Help my hair is falling out?

cut your and apply medicine not falling or hairspa........

Help my hair is falling out?

Lots of things could cause that and all of the suggestions that you see a doctor are right on the mark. Think seriously about any major changes in your environment or habits that might have an effect on your physical well-being. You should pay extra careful attention to your diet because sometimes major food changes can affect your hair. Also, it is normal for some hair to come out with washing and brushing so as long as it is not coming out in clumps or so much that it is noticeable, you might be fine.

Help my hair is falling out?

ohmygod thats terrible..umm there could be many reasons for that happening...like Genetics even though that doesnt usually happen to women ,stress..the Weather whereever u r..or some health reason..lord knows there could be so many things causing this..firstly i would advise you to see a doctor to see whats really causing this i'm hopeing its just stress or some weather stuff cuz if it is its very likely they'll soon enough grow back..i would also say using a nicer shampoo which is more suitable for yr hair and less hair products cuz thats usually really bad for hair and could cuz hair to become dry and fall out...u know..u could also try taking some Vitamins to make yr body stronger and more able to fite whatever is causing the hair falling...hmm try everythin u can to slow the process herbal Remedies..like cleansing your hair with egg and Yogurt which is usually really good..oil and condition them regurlarly..and i wish you good luck and i know how imp hair r to us (women) so i really hope u find somethin to reduce the hair loss..

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